主題繪本班 VS. 字母繪本班:
1. 都是以繪本上課
2. 勞作的部分會不同
Rosa自己對小小孩的規劃是先從主題繪本班-字母繪本班-閱讀小書班(學會短母音.長母音的拼讀.sight words 建立)
如果孩子已經上幼兒園了, 其實可以從字母ABC繪本開始上, 也沒有一定的標準答案~
紀錄上一堂課程 :
Aa is for apple/ ant/ alligator
1. Picture book: 5 Little Apples
( 圖片: Google)
Song: Ten Little Apples
One little apple, little two apples, three little apples four
Five little apple, six little apples , seven apples more
Eight little apples, nine little apples, ten little apples too
One little apple for me
And one little apple for you
2. Picture book: The ants go marching
( 圖片: Google)
Song: Five Hungry Ants
5 hungry ants, marching in a line,
came upon a picnic where they could dine.
They marched into the salad, they marched into the cake,
they marched into the pepper…Uh oh, that was a mistake!
Now, how many ants? 4
4 hungry ants, marching in a line,
came upon a picnic where they could dine.
They marched into the salad, they marched into the cake,
they marched into the pepper…Uh oh, that was a mistake!
Now, how many ants? 3
3 hungry ants, marching in a line,
came upon a picnic where they could dine.
They marched into the salad, they marched into the cake,
they marched into the pepper…Uh oh, that was a mistake!
Now, how many ants? 2
2 hungry ants, marching in a line,
came upon a picnic where they could dine.
They marched into the salad, they marched into the cake,
they marched into the pepper…Uh oh, that was a mistake!
Now, how many ants? 1
1 hungry ant, marching in a line,
came upon a picnic where she could dine.
she marched into the salad, she marched into the cake,
she marched into the pepper…Uh oh, that was a mistake!
Now, how many ants?
None! 0
3. Picture book: The old alligator
影音檔: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPMsXWXbwG0
Activity : Aa is for ant