這周繼續和小小孩們分享 Halloween 的相關繪本主題 , 這一周分享跟 ghost 的相關繪本
1. Picture book : What am I ?
先讓小小孩們再次認識一下 Halloween 會出現的相關人物 , 這也是一本翻翻書 , 這類的互動是繪本 , 一定會列入 Rosa 的收藏名單啦!!!
Song : Halloween Numbers Song
會選這首歌 , 是因為要接下本繪本 , 順便複習繪本裡出現的 Halloween 人物
Activity : retelling the song
讓小小孩試著找出歌謠中唱出的 Halloween 人物
2. Picture book : Five little ghosts
剛好今年入手的繪本 , 5 隻剛剛好 , 去年講10隻 , 自己都累啦~~~ 哈哈哈哈
Activity : 讓小小孩練習將 ghost 夾在 gate 上面
跟小小孩們分享的是 five little pumpkins 的韻文相關 , 只是換成 ghost
Song : Five naught ghosts
Five naughty ghosts jumping in the lake
One fell off and bumped its neck
Mama called the doctor,
And the doctor said
No more ghosts jumping in the lake
Four naughty ghosts jumping in the lake
One fell off and bumped its neck
Mama called the doctor,
And the doctor said
No more ghosts jumping in the lake
Three naughty ghosts jumping in the lake
One fell off and bumped its neck
Mama called the doctor,
And the doctor said
No more ghosts jumping in the lake
Two naughty ghosts jumping in the lake
One fell off and bumped its neck
Mama called the doctor,
And the doctor said
No more ghosts jumping in the lake
One naughty ghost jumping in the lake
It fell off and bumped its neck
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said,
Put those ghosts right to bed.
Activity : Five little ghosts jumping in the lake
Activity : Ghost magnet