(圖片 : Google)
一看到這張圖片 , Rosa自己好喜歡喔!
馬上找出自己的pumpkin繪本 , 整個繪本套餐就完成啦!
作法 :
1. 拿出四張色紙 , 折成扇子的形狀
2. 將四個扇形黏起來 , 就是一個圓形
3. 貼上眼睛 , 就完成了 !
更多的 jack - o - lantern 的眼睛 . 嘴巴 . 鼻子 . 眉毛 . 讓孩子們選 , 請點選連結
搭配上前陣子找到的歌謠 (tune : The farmer in the dell )
The pumpkins are here, the pumpkins are there. The pumpkins, the pumpkins are everywhere.
The pumpkins are up; the pumpkins are down. The pumpkins, the pumpkins are all around.
The pumpkins are in; the pumpkins are out. The pumpkins, the pumpkins are all about.
The pumpkins are low; the pumpkins are high. The pumpkins, the pumpkins all say, "Good-bye".
簡單又好唱 !