shape (形狀) 也是教學很好延伸的主題 , 因為還可以延伸與顏色做結合 !

不過 , 這次Rosa做了一點點小變化

拿出萬用轉盤 , 並寫上形狀的單字 , 並請孩子們按順序轉出形狀 , 嘻

就是形狀monster !


孩子們都很喜歡 , 很好奇自己跟其他小朋友會轉到什麼形狀

再來又拿出去年在ETA買到的遊戲海報 , 剛好有跟形狀相關 , 就一併拿來做複習 , 孩子們對於遊戲海報的魅力 , 都


另也有結合機會跟命運 , 多了一些些變化 !

接著拿出放很久的matching game card , 讓孩子們玩抽鬼牌的活動

還跟孩子們做 shape craft : 純粹是讓孩子們發揮創意 , 利用學到的形狀 , 用色紙剪出形狀 , 並且分享利用形狀可以做成什麼 ?

也找了一首形狀的歌曲和孩子們分享 !

There are many kinds of shapes
I see them everywhere
I love circles and rectangles
Triangles and squares


When I go walking I see circles
Everywhere I go
A circle is round like a steering wheel
It's shaped just like an "O"

Like the big bright sun
And a cinnamon bun
And the wheels on a bicycle
Round and round they go

Like a big balloon
Like the big full moon
How many kinds of circles
Do you know?


I see squares when we go to town
They're everywhere you turn
They have four sides of the very same length
Let's see what we can learn

Like a pizza box
And my toy blocks
Equal sides of 1,2,3,and 4
Like a picture frame
Or a windowpane
A square is just a shape that I adore


Here and there I find triangles
Look around and see
And a triangle has three sides
One and two and three

Like a pizza slice
A piece of pie is nice
How about a great big
Ice cream cone?

Like a volcano
Or the sail on my boat
Or a steeple, or the shape of the roof
That's on my home


I share my house
With a lot of rectangles
Let's just take a look
With two sides long
And two sides short
They're shaped just like a book

Like my front door
And the rug on my floor
Like a fridge, like a brick
Like a bed, like a stereo

Like a Kleenex box
And my grandfather clock
I see rectangles
Everywhere I go!

There are many kinds of shapes
I see them everywhere
I love circles and rectangles
Triangles and squares.

當然還有Rosa最喜歡的繪本 , 再帶幾本立體書跟孩子們分享囉 !

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